Cumberland County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution

Our Patriots


Last updated: 04/07/2024

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

If you have questions regarding membership, please feel free to contact our registrar.


James Adams, PA Zachariah Rice, PA Jonathan Munger, CT
Joseph Adams, PA William Ensign, MA Jacob Myers, PA
Joseph Adams, CT Peter Fahnestock, PA Samuel Nelson, PA
James Alexander, PA Philip Ferry, PA Allen Nesbitt, PA
Henry Alleman, PA David Fogelsange, PA Amos Park, CT
George Appell, PA Benjamin Fry, VA Richard Peters, NY
Asher Applegate, NJ Jacob Fulmer, PA Samuel Pheasant, MD
David Austin, Sr., CT Bernard Gardner, PA Philip Quigley, PA
William Baird, Jr., PA Daniel Garnett, Jr., MA John Ramsay, PA
Edward Ball, GA Jacob Gearhart, NJ Valentine Reber, PA
Nicholas Barrick, PA James Gilland, PA John Rhodes, PA
Frederick Beard, MD Daniel Goodrich, CT Zachariah Rice, PA
George Beaver, PA Johan Georg Gooshorn, PA John Ringler, PA
Conrad Bechle, PA Charles Griffin, PA Elijah Rippey, VA
George Michael Biddle, PA Amos Gustin, CT Peter Roadcap, VA
John Bird, VA John Hagar, NY Elijah Robinson, MD
John Blackwell, VA Andrew Hake, PA Edward Salmon, MD
Paul Bowersox, PA Stephen Harding, Sr., CT James Saye, PA
Abraham Boyer, PA Jeremiah Haycock, PA Michael Schmeyer, PA
Jonathan Bozarth, PA Mary Hayes, PA Joseph Seay, VA
Samuel Bratton, PA Richard Hayes, VA Nicholas Seitzinger, Jr., PA
Christian Brown II, PA John Heckert, PA Christian Shaffer, PA
Armstrong Carothers, PA Nicholas Hewitt, MD Philip Shambach, PA
Elihu Cary, NY Gershom Hinckley, NY Peter Shanholtzer, PA
Elijah Chambers, PA Cary Jernigan, NC William Simpson, VA
Joshua Chapman, MA Thomas Johnston, PA John Skidmore, VA
William Clark, VA Bridger Jones, NC John Slaughter, PA
John Cockley, PA Bridger Jones, NC Christian Stabler, PA
Thomas Coleman, PA Abraham Kissinger, PA David Sterret, PA
John Cummings, PA George Casper Kohr, PA Henry Stitzer, PA
Kelsey Cutter, NJ Stephen Lingel, PA Samuel Strong, NY
John Daugherty, PA Abraham Long, PA Henry Taylor, PA
Samuel Davis, CT Daniel Lovejoy, NH Josiah Thayer, Jr., MA
Thomas Stanley Day, CT Godfrey Lowrey, PA Joseph Toler, VA
Peter DeHaven, PA James Lucas, MD John Walters, PA
Philip Delley, PA William Lyne, PA Thomas Ward, NC
Daniel Dickinson, NJ William Maclay, PA James Weakley, PA
Peter Diener, PA John Martin, PA Conrad Weary, PA
Edward Downs, MA Joseph Martin, CT Nicolas Wertz, PA
John Dungan, PA George Mcconnell, PA Benjamin Wilcox, CT
William Eastman, NH John Jacob Menges, PA John Wunderlich, Sr., PA
Vespatian Eastman, CT Mathias Mickey, PA Jacob Young, NC
Charles Elder, MD John B Mitchell, SC Nicholas Zollinger, PA